Association for Research into National Socialist Violent Crimes and their Reappraisal

in German:
"Verein zur Erforschung nationalsozialistischer Gewaltverbrechen und ihrer Aufarbeitung"




Martin Buber was born in Vienna in 1878. Familiar with Jewish traditions, he came into contact with important figures in literary young-Vienna, who were decisive in shaping the style of his Hassidic legend with which he made his name. Buber, who was well-assimilated, returned to Judaism in 1897 in Leipzig, where he came into contact with Zionism, which had just been elevated to a world movement in Vienna by Theodor Herzl. Martin Buber described himself as an East-West person, equally influenced by Judaism and western European culture. The four day international symposium provided a representative overview of Martin Buber’s thinking, with an emphasis on the influence of the Holocaust on Martin Buber’s work and his reception after the Second World War.

in German:
Martin Buber kam 1878 in Wien zur Welt, lebte anschließend in Lemberg und studierte schließlich in Wien. Vertraut mit den Traditionen des Judentums kam er mit den bedeutenden Vertretern des literarischen Jung-Wien in Kontakt, die den Stil seiner chassidischen Legende, mit denen er sich einen bleibenden Namen machte, wesentlich prägten. Zum Judentum kehrte der assimilierte Buber erst 1897 in Leipzig zurück, wo er im Kontakt mit dem Zionismus kam, der eben erst in Wien von Theodor Herzl zu einer Weltbewegung gemacht wurde. Martin Buber hat sich selbst als Ost-West-Menschen bezeichnet, gleichermaßen beeinflusst von dem Judentum wie von der ost- und westeuropäischen Kultur.


Association for Research into National Socialist Violent Crimes and their Reappraisal

in German:
Verein zur Erforschung nationalsozialistischer Gewaltverbrechen und ihrer Aufarbeitung




30 Nov 2004


Symposium, seminar, conference, workshop


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.