Documentary: 'Siegmund Nissel and the healing power of the Emperor's Hymn'

in German:
Dokumentarfilm: 'Siegmund Nissel und die heilende Kraft der Kaiserhymne'




The Viennese emigrant Siegmund Nissel was a member of the world famous Amadeus Quartet and is today a Professor at the Royal Academy of Music on London. Haydn’s Emperor’s Hymn plays a very special role in Nissel's life. In this documentary, the musician undertakes a journey to the places of his past, to Austria, Vienna. The wounds of this time were not forgotten, but healed through music. Sigmund Nissel reconciled himself with Austria.

in German:
Der Wiener Emigrant Siegmund Nissel war Mitglied des weltberühmten Amadeus Quartetts und ist heute Professor an der 'Royal Academy of Music' in London. Haydns Kaiserhymne spielte in Nissels Leben eine besondere Rolle. Der Musiker unternimmt in dieser Filmdokumentation eine Reise durch die Zeit an die Orte seiner Vergangenheit, nach Österreich, Wien. Die Wunden dieser Zeit wurden nicht vergessen, jedoch durch die Musik geheilt. Sigmund Nissel hat sich mit Österreich ausgesöhnt.


Baker Film

in German:
Baker Film


Austria | show on map


22 Oct 2001


documentary film


Commemoration / remembrance


"Looted gold" Fund

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.