Health projects in Romania, Hungary, Slovakia

in German:
Gesundheitsprojekte in Rumänien, Ungarn, Slowakei




The Claims Conference has been working directly with the Jewish Communities of Eastern Europe since 1995, in order to ensure that Holocaust survivors are provided with the best assistance and medical care. All projects concern “double victims” who have lived through decades of isolation and discrimination. As these Jewish populations get older, social and medical institutions are essential. In Romania an old people’s home was to be saved from closure, in Hungary medical equipment was needed for the “Jewish Charity Hospital”, in Slovakia, 'Or Chaim' (Light of Life), a social and medical institution which was founded in the year 2000 and cares for Holocaust survivors in hospitals, old people’s homes and confined to bed, was to be supported.

in German:
Seit 1995 arbeitet die 'Claims Conference' direkt mit den jüdischen Gemeinden Osteuropas zusammen, um den betroffenen Holocaustüberlebenden bestmögliche Hilfe und medizinische Versorgung zuzusichern. Alle Projekte betreffen 'double victims', die jahrzehntelange Isolation und Diskriminierung hinter sich haben. Da diese jüdischen Bevölkerungsgruppen immer älter werden, sind soziale und medizinische Einrichtungen unabkömmlich. In Rumänien soll ein Altersheim vor der Schließung bewahrt werden, in Ungarn wird medizinische Einrichtung für das 'Jewish Charity Hospital' benötigt. In der Slowakei soll das 2000 gegründete 'Or Chaim' (Licht des Lebens), eine soziale Gesundheitseinrichtung, die Holocaustüberlebende in Spitälern, Altershäusern und Bettlägerige vor Ort betreut, unterstützt werden.


Claims Conference – Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany

in German:
Claims Conference – Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany


United States | show on map


22 Oct 2001


Social-medical programme


Social / socio-medical projects


"Looted gold" Fund

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.