Research, documentation and film project "Forgotten Victims", part II

in German:
Forschungs-, Dokumentations- und Filmprojekt: 'Vergessene Opfer' Teil II




Continuation of the project: In this series, people are given a voice who were for many years not recognized as victims by the state. Twelve hours of video material are already complete. In these twelve hours, seven victims, each from a different group of victims are given a voice and describe their fates arrestingly and in detail. The Ministry of Education may want to use the series for lessons in schools.

in German:
Fortsetzung des Projektes: In dieser Filmreihe kommen Menschen zu Wort, die von den staatlichen Stellen lange Jahre nicht als Opfer anerkannt wurden. Zwölf Stunden Videomaterial sind bereits fertiggestellt worden. In diesen zwölf Stunden kommen sieben Opfer aus je einer Opfergruppe zu Wort und erzählen eindrucksvoll und detailliert ihr Schicksal. Das Unterrichtsministerium möchte die Videoreihe eventuell in den Schulen für Unterrichtszwecke verwenden.


Freeze Frame – Association for the Promotion of Audiovisual Media Culture

in German:
Standbild – Verein zur Förderung audiovisueller Medienkultur


Austria | show on map


06 May 2002


documentary film


Commemoration / remembrance


"Looted gold" Fund

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.