Vilnius documentary: 'The Soldier of the XXI. Century'

in German:
Vilnius Dokumentarfilm: 'The Soldier of the XXI. Century'




In 1941, Anton Schmid, born in Vienna, sergeant in the German Armed Forces, was stationed in Vilnius (Lithuania). He was a witness of the brutal treatment and murder of thousands of Jews. He could not just stand by and watch and helped over 250 people by hiding them, helping them flee or supporting acts of resistance in the ghetto. In 1942, Schmid was arrested for unknown reasons, sentenced to death by a tribunal and executed on 13 April of the same year. In 1964, Yad Vashem declared and honored Anton Schmid as “Righteous among Nations”. The studio 'Vaizdo ir Studija' wanted to create a memorial to Anton Schmid with this documentary.

in German:
Anton Schmid, geboren in Wien, Feldwebel der Deutschen Wehrmacht, war 1941 bei Vilnius (Litauen) stationiert. Er wurde Zeuge der brutalen Behandlung und Ermordung tausender Juden. Er konnte dem nicht zusehen und half mehr als 250 Menschen, indem er sie versteckte, ihnen zur Flucht verhalf oder den Widerstand im Ghetto unterstützte. 1942 wurde Schmid durch nicht genau bekannte Umstände verhaftet, von einem Tribunal zum Tode verurteilt und am 13. April des selben Jahres hingerichtet. 1964 hat Yad Vashem Anton Schmid zum Gerechten, 'Righteous among the Nations' erklärt und geehrt. Das Studio 'Vaizdo ir Studija' will Anton Schmid mit dem Dokumentarfilm einen Gedenkstein setzen.


Vaizdo ir Garso Studija

in German:
Vaizdo ir Garso Studija


Lithuania | show on map


05 Nov 2003


documentary film


Commemoration / remembrance


"Looted gold" Fund

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.