A new concept for the museum at Persmanhof

in German:
Neukonzeptionierung des Museums am Persmanhof




An international meeting point was planned with a museum of the resistance with trans-regional importance. The project evoked great interest in both Slovenia and Italy. Renowned historians and experts such as Univ. Prof. Karl Stuhlpfarrer, Univ. Prof. Peter Gstettner, Mag. Lisa Rettl, Mag. Heidi Wilscher, Mag. Brigitte Entner, Vida Obid, Dr. Walter Manoschek and many other agreed to support the project through their participation.

in German:
Geplant ist eine internationalen Begegnungsstätte mit einem Widerstandsmuseum mit überregionaler Bedeutung. Das Interesse ist groß, sowohl in Slowenien als auch in Italien. Namhafte HistorikerInnen und Fachleute, wie Univ. Prof. Karl Stuhlpfarrer, Univ. Prof. Peter Gstettner, Mag. Lisa Rettl, Mag. Heidi Wilscher, Mag. Brigitte Entner, Vida Obid, Dr. Walter Manoschek und viele andere haben zugesagt, das Projekt durch ihre Mitwirkung zu unterstützen.


International Meeting Point and Museum of the Resistance Persmanhof

in German:
Internationale Begegnungsstätte und Widerstandsmuseum Persmanhof


Austria | show on map


08 Nov 2002




Academic / scientific projects


"Looted gold" Fund

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.