Assistance to Holocaust Survivors from Austria in Brazil

in German:
Assistance to Holocaust Survivors from Austria in Brazil




Around 100,000 Jews live in Brazil. Many of them are refugees or former victims of the National Socialist regime, including 247 Austrian survivors known to the National Fund. The largest Jewish welfare organization, the non-profit organization UNIBES (Uniao Israelita Brasileira de Bem Estar Social), was founded in 1976 and among other things places particular focus on caring for the aged. UNIBES provides the needy with medical and social assistance.

in German:
In Brasilien leben ca. 100.000 Juden. Viele von ihnen sind Flüchtlinge oder ehemalige Opfer des NS-Regimes aus Europa, darunter 247 dem Nationalfonds bekannte österreichische Holocaustüberlebende. Die größte jüdische Wohlfahrtsorganisation, die non-profit-organisation UNIBES (Uniao Israelita Brasileira de Bem Estar Social), wurde 1976 gegründet und kümmert sich unter anderem besonders stark um die immer älter werdenden Menschen. Die UNIBES versorgt die Bedürftigen mit medizinischer und sozialer Hilfe.


Claims Conference – Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany

in German:
Claims Conference – Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany


United States | show on map


24 May 2004


Social programme


Social / socio-medical projects


"Looted gold" Fund

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.