19th central seminar "Working under duress". Nazi slave labour in the armaments industry

in German:
19. Zentrales Seminar „Unter Zwang arbeiten“. Nationalsozialistische Zwangsarbeit in der Rüstungsindustrie




In Austria, the central seminars of erinnern.at are a core element in the qualification of teachers, as they are embedded in a rich range of teaching materials and local seminars in the federal provinces through erinnern.at. At the same time, the seminar serves to network the graduates of the seminars in Yad Vashem and to strengthen their role as disseminators.

in German:
Die Zentralen Seminare von erinnern.at sind in Österreich ein Kernelement der Qualifikation von Lehrpersonen, sind sie doch über erinnern.at eingebettet in ein reichhaltiges Angebot von Unterrichtsmaterialien sowie von lokalen Seminaren in den Bundesländern. Zugleich dient das Seminar zur Vernetzung der AbsolventInnen der Seminare in Yad Vashem und zur Stärkung ihrer Rolle als MultiplikatorInnen.


National Socialism and Holocaust – erinnern.at

in German:
Nationalsozialismus und Holocaust – erinnern.at



Austria | show on map


15 May 2020


Symposium, seminar, conference, workshop


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.