Hedy Crilla – "teacher of actors"

in German:
Hedy Crilla – „teacher of actors“




With this documentary, the fate of the flight from National Socialism is thematized on the basis of a concrete person, in order to preserve her memory. Hedy Crilla tells of the difficulties of emigration and the new beginning that came with it, and honours the legacy of a woman who was largely forgotten in Austria, although she had a significant influence on cultural life in Argentina. The film is to be shown in cinemas (in Austria, but especially in Argentina).

in German:
Mit diesem Dokumentarfilm wird anhand einer konkreten Person das Schicksal der Flucht vor dem Nationalsozialismus thematisiert, um dieser ein Andenken zu bewahren. Hedy Crilla erzählt von der Schwierigkeit der Emigration und dem damit verbundenen Neuanfang und ehrt das Vermächtnis einer Frau, die in Österreich weitgehend vergessen wurde, obwohl sie das kulturelle Leben in Argentinien maßgeblich geprägt hat. Der Film soll im Kino (in Österreich, aber insbesondere auch in Argentinien) gezeigt werden.


Plan C Film Production

in German:
Plan C Filmproduktion



Austria | show on map


15 May 2020


documentary film


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.