Yiddish Culture Festival Vienna 2020

in German:
Yiddish Culture Festival Vienna 2020




Erwin Steinhauer, Wolfgang Böck and Giora Selliger read texts by Austrian authors who were persecuted, exiled or murdered during the Nazi regime. The explicit aim of these events is to recall the inestimable importance of Jewish culture in Vienna and Austria before the war. The two readings will be musically accompanied by artists living in Vienna. The programs will be visually implemented by means of large-screen projections of works by the Israeli painter Dvori Barzilai, the art photographer Josef Polleros and the Bulgarian painter and sculptor Krassimir Kolev.

in German:
Erwin Steinhauer, Wolfgang Böck und Giora Selliger lesen Texte österreichischer AutorInnen, die während des NS-Regimes verfolgt, ins Exil getrieben beziehungsweise ermordet worden sind. Explizit soll bei diesen Veranstaltungen daran erinnert werden, welchen unschätzbaren Stellenwert die jüdische Kultur in Wien bzw. Österreich vor dem Krieg hatte. Musikalisch umrahmt werden die zwei Lesungen von in Wien lebenden KünstlerInnen. Visuell umgesetzt werden die Programme durch Großbild-Projektionen von Arbeiten der aus Israel stammenden Malerin Dvori Barzilai, des Kunstfotografen Josef Polleros sowie des aus Bulgarien stammenden Malers und Bildhauers Krassimir Kolev.


Jewish Institute for Adult Education

in German:
Jüdisches Institut für Erwachsenenbildung


Austria | show on map


21 Dec 2020


Remembrance event


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.