2 August – International Day of Remembrance of the Roma and Sinti Genocide

in German:
2. August - Internationaler Gedenktag an den Genozid an Roma und Sinti 2to august – Internacijonali gondolipeskero di upro murdaripe upro Roma taj Sinti




The Austrian parliament declared 2 August as the National Day of Remembrance for Roma and Sinti. For this reason, a memorial event for the Roma and Sinti victims of the Holocaust was organised in Oberwart for the first time. One of the oldest memorial stones (1989) commemorating the fate of the people of Oberwart during the Nazi regime can be found in the Oberwart town park.

in German:
Der 2. August wurde vom österreichischen Parlament zum nationalen Gedenktag für Roma und Sinti erklärt. Aus diesem Grund wurde erstmals eine Gedenkveranstaltung für die Roma- und Sinti-Opfer des Holocaust in Oberwart veranstaltet. Im Stadtgarten Oberwart befindet sich einer der ältesten Gedenksteine (1989), der an das Schicksal der Oberwarter während des NS-Regimes erinnert.


Diocese Eisenstadt Romapastoral

in German:
Diözese Eisenstadt Romapastoral





05 Dec 2023


Remembrance event


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

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The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.