Jewish reactions to Nazi persecution. Source edition on the persecution, expulsion and self-assertion of Austria's Jewish population 1938-1941

in German:
Jüdische Reaktionen auf die nationalsozialistische Verfolgung. Quellenedition zur Verfolgung, Vertreibung und Selbstbehauptung der jüdischen Bevölkerung Österreichs 1938-1941




This book focuses on Jewish reactions to Nazi persecution in Austria. Methodologically, the book follows the model of integrated historiography (Saul Friedländer). This model researches the Holocaust not only from the sources of the Nazi regime, but also integrates the reactions and perceptions of Jews in the various communities and in the Nazi-occupied territories. This approach allows Jews to be perceived as active historical subjects and not as anonymous, passive victims. Recent comparative Holocaust research shows that the implementation of Nazi persecution policies differed significantly in the various countries. This source edition deals with the various aspects of the persecution of Jews in Austria, which differed from that in the German Reich, particularly in the years 1938-1941, which are dealt with here.

in German:
Mit der Dissertation von Dietrich Ecker begann das Interesse an Herbert Eichholzer (:1903, +1943) erst wieder aufzuflammen. Seine für die Steiermark außergewöhnliche Haltung, der internationalen Moderne verschrieben, steht seither immer wieder im Fokus von Ausstellungen, Publikationen, wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten und Wettbewerben. Seine Biografie beschreibt einen charismatischen und mutigen politischen Menschen, der im Widerstand gegen den Nationalsozialismus sein Leben geben musste.


CLIO Association for Historical and Educational Work

in German:
CLIO - Verein für Geschichts- und Bildungsarbeit



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05 Dec 2023




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The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.