Let's give them a name - memorial plaques. Commemorative ceremony for the victims of National Socialist dictatorship in the Municipality of Feistritz and presentation of the memorial plaque for Andrej Permoz

in German:
Geben wir ihnen einen Namen - Gedenktafeln Gedenkveranstaltung für die Opfer der NS-Gewaltherrschaft in der Gemeinde Feistritz i.R. und Enthüllung der Gedenktafel für Andrej Permoz




There is nothing to remind people of many victims of National Socialism in their hometowns, including Andrej Permoz. The Slovenian Cultural Association St. Johann and the Slovenian Cultural Society Suetschach and the Market Town Feistritz wanted to give back to these people, who have almost been forgotten, their names, their dignity and their identity. This happened with the help of a memorial plaque and commemorative ceremony.

in German:
An viele Opfer des Nationalsozialismus, darunter auch Andrej Permoz, erinnert in ihrem Heimatort nichts. Diesen fast schon Vergessenen will der slowenische Kulturverein St. Johann und der slowenische Kulturverein Suetschach und die Marktgemeinde Feistritz ihre Namen, ihre Würde und Identität zurückgeben. Dies geschieht mithilfe eine Gedenktafel und Gedenkveranstaltungen.


Slovenian Cultural Association St. Johann

in German:
Slowenischer Kulturverein St. Johann



Austria | show on map


12 Nov 2009


Memorial plaque


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget


Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.