Chamber Opera "The Diary of Anne Frank" by Grigori Frid

in German:
Kammeroper „Das Tagebuch der Anne Frank“ Von Grigori Frid




With succinct imagery (such as "birthday", "school", "conversation with father", "summons to the Gestapo", "the hideout" or "raid"), the two-part mono-opera portrays the fate of the 13-year-old girl Anne Frank, who was in hiding in fascist-occupied Holland with her family in a backstreet building in Amsterdam from 6 July 1942 until their arrest by the Gestapo on 4 August 1944. The main target audience of the performances of the mini-opera are teenagers and younger adults. The genre "opera", which is often considered by young people to be stuffy and uninteresting, is intended to be opened up to this group. The audience is close to the events and can therefore follow the opera within a confined space.

in German:
Die zweiteilige Mono-Oper schildert in knappen Bildern (wie "Geburtstag", "Schule", "Gespräch mit dem Vater", "Vorladung zur Gestapo", "Das Versteck" oder "Razzia") das Schicksal des 13jährigen Mädchens Anne Frank, das sich vom 6. Juli 1942 bis zur Verhaftung durch die Gestapo am 4. August 1944 im faschistisch besetzten Holland mit seiner Familie in einem Amsterdamer Hinterhaus versteckt hielt. Haupt-Zielgruppe der Aufführungen unserer Mono-Oper sind Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene. Ihnen soll Oper, was viele junge Menschen oft nur als verstaubtes und uninteressantes Genre begreifen, nähergebracht werden. Das Publikum ist nahe am Geschehen dran und kann somit auf engstem Raum die Oper verfolgen.


Association Opern Space

in German:
Verein Opern Space



Austria | show on map


07 Jul 2010


Art and culture project


Commemoration / remembrance


National Fund budget

Please note

The project contents and descriptions are based primarily on the submissions of the project applicants. These submissions are edited for publication and translated into English. Although it is subjected to rigorous checks, the National Fund does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.