Dr.in Renate S. Meissner, MSc.
Scientific Director of the National Fund.
1995 Studies in Ethnology and Jewish Studies (Dr. phil.).
2007 Supervision, Coaching and Organisational Development (MSc).
Dr. Meissner is responsible for scientifically processing and recording the autobiographical recollections of victims of National Socialism, author of numerous publications in the fields of Ethnology and Jewish Studies as well as publications on dealing with the victims of National Socialism and the culture of remembrance, and Editor of the book series Erinnerungen. Lebensgeschichten von Opfern des Nationalsozialismus / “Lives Remembered. Life Stories of Victims of National Socialism”.
Deputy Secretary General from 1995 until April 2023, until 2001 she was also case officer at the National Fund. She played a key role in building up the organisation, in particular the creation and implementation of the guiding concept for dealing sensitively with the victims of National Socialism.
2001–2019 Head of Division of the National Fund and in charge of processing compensation claims for seized tenancy rights provided for by the Washington Agreement.
2007–2009 Conception and implementation of a knowledge preservation process in the General Settlement Fund.
2003–2019 Head of Personnel at the National Fund and the General Settlement Fund.
Since 2006 Scientific Director at the National Fund.
Since 2019 Head of the Division “Science, Remembrance and Education”.
E-mail: r.meissner@nationalfonds.org
Tel. +43 1 408 12 63 115