Margarethe Welisch

I remember

Margarethe Welisch lived with her family in Graz, Styria. Following the “Anschluss”, her husband was arrested and deported to Dachau concentration camp. He was only released on the condition that he leave the country within days. A German opponent of National Socialism who was living in the Philippines vouched for the family, enabling seven members of the Welisch family to flee there in 1939. Following the invasion of Japanese troops, the war had reached the Philippines. The Welisch family, once again, lost everything in the battles in the Philippine capital Manila. After the war, the Welisch family emigrated to the USA where Margarethe died in 2003.

Read the full story of Margarethe Welisch in the fourth volume of the series Erinnerungen. Lebensgeschichten von Opfern des Nationalsozialismus (“Lives Remembered. Life Stories of Victims of National Socialism”), subtitled “Exile in Asia”.