Online collection of eyewitness testimonies
The online collection documents recollections which have been provided to the National Fund by victims of National Socialism. Vivid photographic material and documents complement these testimonies.
Journey of a Jew (World War II) – Footprints of Vera O’Brien, née Harth
Liesl's Journey to America
Her passport was due to expire in two days...
... we didn't want to have anything to do with this war
If it had lasted another year, there would have been none of us left
I was so terrified, I couldn't speak
When they took me away it was terrible
Today they are taking the Roma away …
Our area was called "bandit-land"
No one can replace a mother
Suddenly there was only German
… I think I'll play my cello instead
So, now this flirting is well and truly over …
1938 was a year of great suffering for our whole family …
We lived under great pressure
... I stayed, I stayed alive
It was as if I had lost a brother
… and so I kept quiet when I was questioned
Back then, in the beautiful city Vienna
... on the run after undermining military morale
I was a child of Spiegelgrund
From the recollections of a child about the National Socialist era
Born in the Lackenbach camp
Transcript of the Oral History of the Ehrenhaft Family
... the Germans were following us ...
A life-long sense of alienation
Peter Berdach, later known as Peter Fleischl
You know, these are difficult times ...
The Life and Times of Leslie Gelb
Our livelihood was taken from us
Holocaust speech to middle school students
We came to Bolivia in 1940