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Secretary General Hannah M. Lessing
Judith Pfeffer
Managing Board Mag. Judith Pfeffer, MA
Dr.in Renate S. Meissner, Director, Deputy Secretary General and Scientific Director of the National Fund, Palais Epstein 28. August 2017.
Volume 7 of the book series 'Lives Remembered. Life stories of victims of National Socialism'. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
Presenter Konstanze Breitebner on stage. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
Hans Petschar, Director of the Picture Archive and Graphics Collection of the ÖNB at the lectern. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
Secretary General of the National Fund Hannah Lessing at the lectern. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
Renate Meissner, editor of the book series 'Lives Remembered. Life stories of victims of National Socialism' at the lectern. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
Musical accompaniment by Emily Stewart on violin. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
Moderator Konstanze Breitebner (left) and cultural and social anthropologist and co-author Margit Wolfsberger in conversation. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
f.l.t.r. Peter Sunley, Konstanze Breitebner, Annette Offenberger and Margit Wolfsberger on stage. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
Moderator Konstanze Breitebner (left) and Annette Offenberger in conversation. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
Moderator Konstanze Breitebner (left) and Annette Offenberger on stage. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
Peter Sunley with microphone on stage. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
Peter Sunley on stage. Book presentation 'Exile in New Zealand' in the Oratory of the Austrian National Library, May 24, 2023.
New Austrian national exhibition 'Far Removed – Austria and Auschwitz' at the Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum, October 2021.