Gesture payment requirements
The National Fund Law provides for a gesture payment to persons who were persecuted by the National Socialist regime on grounds of origin, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, on grounds of mental or physical disability, or of the accusation of so called asociality, or who were otherwise victims of typical National Socialist injustice or left the country in order to escape such persecution.
In addition, these persons must
- have been citizens of the Federal Republic of Austria and domiciled in Austria on 13 March 1938 or
- have been permanently domiciled in Austria for a period of approximately ten years as per 13 March 1938, or were born as children of such persons within that period, or
- have lost their status as citizens of the Federal Republic of Austria or their place of residence of at least approximately ten years before 13 March 1938, because they left the country due to the imminent march of the German Armed Forces into Austria, or
- have been born before 9 May 1945 as children of such persons in concentration camps or under comparable circumstances in Austria.